Buddy Davis is a musician, dinosaur sculptor, and children's entertainer. In this children's video Buddy invites along to go on a dinosaur bone dig to see how paleontologists find them and take them out of the ground, and then put them on display.
Davis really knows his stuff. Dinosaurs have long been promotional tools for evolutionists, but Davis will have none of that. He approaches the topic of dinosaurs and their fossils from a thoroughly Christian, creationist perspective. In a number of instances he contrasts the biblical position with the evolutionary one. So, for example, he explains that fossilization doesn't need to take millions of years – as he explains, they've even found fossilized teddy bears! And kids are also told about how elastic blood vessels have recently been found in dinosaur bones that shows they couldn't possibly be millions of years old. These animals aren't as old as they have been made out to be!
Our host is enthusiastic and energetic and keeps things hopping without it getting frantic. While I enjoyed this, I'd recommend it more as a kid's video than family viewing. I mean, parents won't be bored, but they likely won't want to watch this as many times as their children!
Christian / Action / Drama
103 minutes / 2015
William Reynolds is a 18th century assassin and the righthand man to the head of the East India Trading company. When the young assassin wants to leave his dark life behind his employer (played by veteran actor John Rhys-Davies) tries to have this loose end tied up, planting a bomb under Reynolds' carriage. Reynolds survives thanks to the warning of a passing vicar who ends up paying for his kindness by getting blown up himself. In search of a new life, and a new identity, Reynolds adopts the vicar's identity, and, meets Charlotte, a young woman who knows a lot more about God then this "vicar" does.
There is so much to love about this film, and this romance is a big part of it. It has the typical movie-plot instant attraction, yes, but no bodice-ripping whatsoever. As impressed as Charlotte might be by Reynolds' charm, she wants to know his heart – she finds it strange that this man of God so often speaks of Him as "if He were a distant acquaintance." So despite her heart saying yes, she will not pledge herself to him until she seeks advice from an older wiser head. So this has all the fun of the flirtation, and yet none of that falling-into-bed-with-a-near-stranger nonsense.
Of course, with their affair of the heart taking place just 20 minutes in, we know that the happy ending can't come yet. Reynolds old life forces its way into the new and he has to flee to the American Colonies, leaving his lady-love behind. There he decides he will make repayment for his former evils by doing heroic goods – he dons a disguise and a mask to fight the East India Company in its new endeavors in the Americas. Lots of daring-do and explosions follow.
There is no sexual content at all, and while God's name is called upon, it seems to be put to appropriate use (being either directed to Him, or part of a discussion about Him).
A concern is violence. There is quite a lot, and while none of it is gory, there are men murdered, others blown up, and piles upon piles quickly put down by a punch or two from our reforming William Reynolds.
This is a wonderful film, with solid acting, an intriguing (if on occasion confusing) script, good special effects, authentic period costumes and sets, and a pleasant number of explosions. It is a family film, though because of the violence, for older children only, with a solid Christian moral. So, safe and enjoyable!
I don't want to praise it too highly, because it isn't a movie that will go down as a great for the ages. But it certainly is one of the best Christian films you'll see, and a cut above most any family film out there.
Even if you don’t know Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones (1899-1981) you
likely do know some of the people praising him in this documentary. The list
includes John MacArthur, Iain Murray, Kevin DeYoung, Sinclair Ferguson, and RC
Sproul, who say of him: “I believe that Lloyd Jones was to twentieth century
Britain what Charles Spurgeon was to the nineteenth century.” Like Spurgeon, this was a man God used to stir up Britain. The joy in watching this documentary is to see what God did, and how He acted through this servant.
good quote from one of the interviewees highlighted how very different Lloyd Jones was from the pastors of his time and many of the celebrity pastors of our own.
…he wasn’t at all seeker-friendly.
In fact he was seeker-unfriendly, because he felt that a non-Christian ought to
be deeply uncomfortable in church.
Because you actually want him to be uncomfortable because you need to realize
your need for the Gospel.
The only caution I would offer is that while Lloyd Jones was generally
Reformed, he got some notable matters wrong. For example, his views on baptism differed with those of the denomination he served – he seems to
have opposed paedo-baptism, though not loudly. But that is an aside because it is his preaching, and his generally Reformed perspective, that are the focus here.
Both my wife and I really enjoyed this very polished production. It comes comes with 2 bonus disks and a small hardback book among the extras. Logic on Fire would make a great gift for any pastor and anyone who
enjoys Church history, or documentaries.
It can be ordered in Canada via the
Banner of Truth US website BannerOfTruth.org/US.
(The trailer above is actually for the third in the series: Paradise Lost)
Reality / Documentary
28 min / 2015 Rating: 7/10
Everyone in our family enjoyed this, from our 2-year-old all the way up to mom and dad. The Wilds live in the deep jungles of Papua, Indonesia, where dad is a missionary to the Wanu tribe. The four Wild brothers are the sort of boys who collect pets in their pockets, and who love to explore the jungle with a butterfly net in one hand and a slingshot in the other.
In this, the first of their three DVDs, we get introduced to the family, but more to the point, the boys introduce us to God’s creation. So we go hunting with them, we’re introduced to their best friend Pu, and we get to watch their facial expressions as Pu introduces them to a local delicacy, raw echidna brain. A fun extra is the boys skinning a ten-foot python that even after it has been dead for an hour is still moving!
No cautions to note. It isn’t clear what denominational background the family is from. However the Christian reflection the boys and their parents share with viewers is thoughtful and solid.
We’ve also watched and enjoyed the second in the series, called Jewels of the Jungle, where the family goes butterfly and moth-hunting, and we look forward to checking out the third. The series can be purchased at AnswerInGenesis.org or Christianbooks.com.
In 2012 Pastor Douglas Wilson gave a public lecture on the contentious topic of sexuality God's way. But it wasn't simply a public lecture: his event took place on the campus of a large university and was advertised well ahead of time, giving campus LGBT groups and their supporters time to arrange protests and arrange to fill the auditorium seats. In addition, this wasn't just any university campus: it was Indiana University, home of the Kinsey Institute, where the infamous sexologist Alfred Kinsey helped launch the Sexual Revolution. For a talk on God's thoughts about sex this was as hostile a setting as could be had.
His talk, and all the hysteria and hoopla that surrounded it, is the centerpiece of director Darren Doanne's new documentary The Free Speech Apocalypse. Doanne uses the event to tackle three related subjects:
The intolerance of the Left – As the title suggests, free speech and tolerance are the main topics tackled. Douglas Wilson comes to Indiana to dialogue, but that's not what the Left does. Instead activist students scream and shout: "We believe in free speech, but this is hate speech!" Instead of countering his arguments they aim to paint him as an aggressor, and themselves as victims. They go so far as to paint on fake bruises, claiming that this is what will result from Wilson's speech
False allegations made about Douglas Wilson – The film is not, primarily, about Wilson – it is about far more than the man – but it is about him too. So when students chant, "Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay; Douglas Wilson go away!" we get to see, in the question and answer period after his speech, how Wilson is able to respond and rebut these accusations.
The difference between Left and Right – Wilson notes, "this is the difference between the conservative mindset and the liberal mindset: The conservative thinks always in terms of tradeoffs. The liberal thinks in terms of solutions. The liberal wants solutions. And he doesn't want to think in term of tradeoffs. He doesn't think there is ever a price tag for what he is advocating." Liberals demand more and more, not thinking about how someone will have to pay for this. Conservatives are grown up enough to realize there are no perfect solutions – everything comes with a cost.
Other related topics are also tackled, including the American Civil War. In the US it is a near universal belief that this was a good and just war because it ended slavery. But it also resulted in 600,000 dead - that was the tradeoff that liberals don't consider. A conservative might ask (as Wilson has), considering this high cost, might there have been a better, less bloody way to end slavery? After all, everywhere else in the West slavery was ended peacefully. It's a good question, but, as happened to Wilson, one liable to get you labelled a racist and a slavery lover.
American presidential candidate Ted Cruz appears in the film for less than a minute, but his interview highlights how even conservatives and Christians can forget to consider the tradeoffs. Concerning the Civil War he says it "was absolutely a just war" but concerning abortion, "We have the ability to change this, and to change this without a war fought in the streets." So he understands that war would be an unsatisfactory tradeoff for today, but won't even consider whether that might also have been true for the Civil War.
The topic matter – sexuality God's way vs. the world's way, and tolerance God's way vs. the world's way – means this is a film for mature audiences only.
And there are other cautions. The F-bomb is put to regular use by students, and these occurrences are not bleeped out. The one thing I found surprising was the selection, by the director, of some backing music for a ten-second segue that also included multiple f-bombs. That was an unnecessary addition but, fortunately, a very short addition. There are also a few brief shots of homosexuals and others prancing about in short shorts, and one line-drawn diagram shown for a few seconds that includes a depiction of a naked male butt.
Finally, and this isn't really a caution, but more an advisement, there is nothing here related to Douglas Wilson's stance on Federal Vision.
The pacing of this film left me gasping - it is a frenetic charge through this, that, and the other thing. It is an enormously ambitious film but because it tries to fit so much in, it might leave viewers exhausted by the time the credits role.
But it is worth putting in the effort. Few Christians are both able and willing to beard the liberal lion in his den, and it is fun and encouraging to watch Wilson venture forth. Here we get to see a brave man standing up, outnumbered, but not outmaneuvered because he stands on God's Word.
This film is also a must-see because it shows what is coming and what we are up against. As the Left continues to marginalize Christians, it may well be that in some circumstances no matter what we say or do we will not be able to win the debate. And not because of any weakness in our position, but rather because the other side has no interest in discussing. They'll want to meet our words with their shouts, or their claims of victimhood, or even their fists.
However even then our light can shine. If our words are shouted down, our demeanor can stand in sharp contrast. In Wilson we see a joyful warrior, secure in the knowledge that God has already won. This is how we need to be.
I used to think the main flaw with Christian movies is that so many of them are simply sermons disguised as dramas. But I’ve recently realized that the problem with these dramas wasn’t that they were sermons but rather that they were bad sermons… and paired with bad acting and worse writing.
In Audacity Executive Producer Ray Comfort has done something different. This is still a message movie – it’s for Christians, about why we need to, and how we can, spread the Gospel to homosexuals – but it's one in which pretty good writing and pretty good acting have been paired with an absolutely fantastic sermon. The end result is something every Christian needs to see.
The story begins in a typical office setting. When attractive Diana aggressively challenges bike messenger Peter to defend his biblical beliefs about gay marriage he heads to the Internet to do research. How can he present the truth winsomely?
Fortunately Peter finds YouTube videos from street evangelist Ray Comfort in which homosexuals are interviewed and challenged, and yet seem to appreciate the exchange. How does Comfort pull it off? By focusing on what we all – heterosexual and homosexual – have in common: our sinful tendency towards sexual lust.
Just that quick, Comfort shows that the tendencies we are born with can’t be our guide to what is right or wrong. His is also an inclusive approach. He doesn’t approach homosexuals as someone above or better than them, but rather as someone in a similar situation, also in need of a Savior. And he explains that because he believes the Bible to be true, if he loves his homosexual neighbors then he has to speak up.
In total Comfort’s witnessing videos only amount to about 15 minutes in this 50-minute production, but they are the crux around which the whole film revolves. In the dramatic sections we get to see how “everyman” Peter ends up putting into practice what he has learned. It’s believable enough that most viewers will be able to imagine themselves in Peter’s shoes and learn right along with him what it means to speak the truth in love. We can’t stay silent. We need to share what Jesus has done for us, and what he can do for homosexuals too.
To learn how to do it well, consider gathering a few friends together to watch and discuss Audacity. It’s available for free viewing online at www.audacitymovie.com (and the DVD can be had for $5 there) or you can click on the video above.
This is one part nature documentary and one part evolutionary takedown. Illustra Media understand that a great way to expose evolution is to take a close in-depth look at some of the creatures that God has made. In Darwin’s day scientists didn’t have the ability to look inside the cell, and only had a glimmering of how incredibly complex even the simplest living creatures are. Now we know so much more – it turns out that even the simplest cell in our body has astonishingly complex and coordinated inner workings. Some have compared the complexity of a cell to the complexity of an entire city! In other words, the more we know, the more apparent it is that evolution can’t be so.
In previous films Illustra Media took a close look at butterflies (Metamorphosis) and birds (Flight). This time they have turned their attention to four maritime creatures: dolphins, sea turtles, pacific salmon, and humpback whales.
Time doesn’t allow a full detailing of just how awe-inspiring this investigation is. But I’ll give you a small sampling of what the documentary shares about the complexity of dolphins. These creatures can distinguish between a ping pong ball and a golf ball via echo-location. This is a form of sonar, and better than anything man has ever constructed. The dolphin’s sonar system can spot fish up to six inches under the sand and can find a BB at the bottom of a swimming pool.
Dolphins also have a complex air return system which allows them to make the high frequency sounds they need for echo location by blowing air past two sets of “phonic lips” and then recoup that air and redirect it back to its lungs. This air return system allows it re-use this air and to echo locate for more than ten minutes without needing to surface for air.
This is only scratching the surface of the dolphin’s complexity but this is already enough to expose the impossibility of evolution. The dolphin is able to:
make the sonic sound
focus and direct it
receive it
and, finally, have the ability to interpret and understand the signal they are getting back
All four of these elements are needed or else the system won’t work at all. So how could evolution – random mutation and natural selection – be responsible? The idea that all four elements evolved to be at the very same time is beyond fantastic. So too is the idea that they would evolve one after another and be selected for, despite having no function (despite having no evolutionary advantage) until all four are finally developed and the whole system is up and running. Evolution simply can’t account for systems such as this, which are so obviously and clearly designed.
Living waters is a remarkable documentary with wonderful visuals of all the creatures discussed. My pre-school children weren’t able to follow the discussion, but the close-up videos and computer animations kept their attention. Meanwhile their mom and I were stunned by the sheer brilliance and creativity of God!
I should mention that while mention is made of an Intelligent Designer, He is never specifically named as the God of the Bible. That is disappointing, but every Christian watching this will most certainly give God glory. I can’t recommend it enough – this is a amazing look at some seemingly simple but incredibly complex creatures.
The Six Days of Creation: A Young Earth is Not the Issue
50 minutes / 2002
Rating 7/10
The debate over whether God really created in just six days might seem to about the age of the earth: is it thousands or millions and even billions of years old? But, as presenter Ken Ham shows, the real issue is one of biblical authority.
"You don't get millions of years out of the Bible do you?" Ham asks. "I go to churches and sometimes they say: 'We believe in the local flood.' 'We believe in theistic evolution.' 'We believe the day age theory.' 'We're progressive creationists...who believe God created over millions of years and the Big Bang and so on.' 'We believe the gap theory.' And then they say, 'What do you believe?' And I say, 'What the Bible says.' Because not one of those positions comes from the Bible. They are all imposed upon the Bible. And by the way, when you impose man's ideas on the Bible, you know what you are teaching to generations in our culture? That you don't have to take God's Word as written; you can believe man's word is infallible and reinterpret the Word of God. You are undermining biblical authority."
That's the real issue underlying the battle over Genesis. Later Ham notes he doesn't even like to be called a "young earth creationist" because that makes it seems as if the earth's age is the key issue instead. But the reason we need to have a proper understanding of the age of the Earth is only so that we can have the proper respect for biblical authority - if the Bible doesn't mean what it says in the first chapter, then how can we trust it anywhere else?
Some of the points Ham addresses include:
what the word "day" means in Genesis 1 and the rest of the Bible
why so many Christians believe in an old earth
and the danger in believing an old earth
This is a very good lecture, as lectures go, so if you are interested in the material you'll enjoy the presentation – it is a very good and thorough introduction to the topic. However this is not something that will grab attention – it is simply a man at a podium with some powerpoint slides. So, a good one for adults who want to know more, but not really something for kids, or those only marginally interested.
You can buy it on DVD at Answers in Genesis or you can watch it for free online, in 4 parts, at:
There is something a little unsettling about watching a documentary that passionately encourages adoption. RC Sproul Jr. and Kevin Swanson, two of the many folks interviewed, readily assure watchers that not everyone is called to adopt. But then they go on to note how care for orphans is a godly act, an act that pastors should encourage off the pulpit, and an act the Church is currently not giving enough attention to. There are so many children who need parents, that it’s hard to watch and not wonder, “Are we just being selfish deciding not to adopt?”
And, of course, that’s the very point: we’re not all called to adopt, but maybe a lot more of us are called to adopt than we think and we just haven’t thought through it all that carefully or prayerfully. These folks want us to think it through again…or for the first time.
At just one hour this is a very “shareable” adoption resource, easy to pass on to friends and family whether they are interested in adopting a child, or whether they've never thought about it before. It is attractive, with good interviewees – including some notable Reformed names, like Sproul Jr. – and has a solid Christian perspective.
Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of one of the founders of the terrorist group Hamas, and served as his father’s right hand man. But at the same time he was working as an informant for the Israeli secret police, the Shin Bet. This is his unbelievable story.
While the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the background to everything, it’s clear that director Nadav Schirman is most interested in what was going on in Yousef’s head and heart. Yousef is adamant that, “I would never betray my father” but Shin Bet agent Gonen Ben Yitzhak also found him surprisingly easy to turn. The same young man who bought weapons to attack the Israelis later becomes passionate about working with the Israelis to save Jewish lives.
One of the explanations for this dramatic turnaround is Yousef’s conversion to Christianity. But he starts working for the Shin Bet before he becomes Christian: perhaps his willingness to work with the Israelis is evidence of how God was already stirring his conscience?
Another part of the explanation might be the type of man his Shin Bet handler was. Ben Yitzhak was supposed to see Yousef as simply a tool, but he wasn’t able to distance himself like that and today Yitzhak’s children call Yousef “Uncle Mosab.”
This is an excellent production, with dramatic re-enactments that give the whole thing a cinematic feel – at times this seems like an espionage thriller. It is a longer documentary and might be overly so for anyone not already interested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but for the rest of us, this is about as good as any documentary you will see.
In Rwanda, in 1994, the unimaginable happened: approximately one million Tutsi Rwandans were killed by their friends, neighbors and fellow church members. As much as fifteen per cent of the population was murdered in just three months. The enormous scale of the evil left the government unable to offer any sort of justice. The jails couldn’t hold the tens of thousands of perpetrators, so the government eventually ended up pardoning most of them, sending them back to their villages, and homes, where they would live right beside the surviving victims.
Justice was impossible. But what about forgiveness? Is forgiveness possible when sins are this monstrous? How does a man who has killed a girl’s father dare go to her to ask forgiveness? And how could she ever find the strength to offer him that forgiveness?
As We Forgive has received all sorts of secular awards, but the story here is an explicitly Christian one. It is a film well worth watching twice, first putting ourselves in the place of the victims, and understanding how it is that God equipped them to forgive. If they can forgive, how much the more so us? And it is also worth watching from the perspective of the murderers. The two men we meet show what true repentance looks like. As one explains, he can never make up for what he has done, but he can try to show his repentance by doing all the good he can for his victims – he is building houses for the genocide survivors.
As you might expect of a documentary on such a grim chapter of history, there are some scenes – of the aftermath of the genocide – that are not suitable for children. But it really is a must-see. If you’ve ever said “I can’t forgive” then here is an example of what God can make us capable of, if we ask Him. Here, too, we see what real repentance involves. It is so much more than words. These men’s actions give evidence of the change that God has wrought in them.
As narrator Dr. Jobe Martin explains to us, he was once an evolutionist. He became a creationist when, as a professor at a dental college, he gave a lecture on the evolution of the tooth – teaching that fish scales eventually migrated into the mouth and became teeth – and was challenged by a couple of his students to investigate creation science. He'd never heard of it, but was willing to take a look. And the closer he looked the more he realized that much of the evolution he believed in was based on assumptions.
His study led him to investigate animals and other creatures, and in this short documentary he shares with us some of the most incredible features of some pretty incredible creatures that forced him to acknowledge that there was a Master Designer behind all this. For example, did you know:
...the bombardier beetle repels attackers by shooting a fiery liquid out of its rear end?
...the giraffe's heart is strong enough to pump blood all the way up to its head? But what happens when it lowers that head to take a drink? The same strong stream of oxygenated blood will now be traveling with enough pressure to blow out its brain...except for the shut off valves in its neck that kick in when it dips its head.
...the woodpecker has a barbed gluey tongue that sticks to bugs but doesn't stick to its own beak? And it has a skull that is designed to do the work of a jackhammer without giving the poor fellow a headache.
Dr. Martin shows us why we should be amazed by many other creatures including: the beaver, the Australian incubator bird, the platypus, the chicken egg, the chuckwalla lizard, the gecko, and us humans.
My preschool daughters were amazed, and while this is a video primarily intended for children, my wife and I were also engaged. We were floored by just how creative God is. It is good family viewing, with enough pictures and film footage to keep the attention of the very young, and for parents, a narrative that highlights just God's sense of fun and genius.
This might not be a good one to hand to any hardened evolution-believing folk you might know. It is just a children's video - it isn't meant to offer an overly detailed or complete argument against evolution, and hardened critics will seize on that lack of depth to dismiss it entirely.
So get it for your own family, or your Christian school. And if you know someone dead-set on evolution, then consider Evolution's Achilles' Heels and its more adult anti-evolutionary argument. I review it here.
I should add that there are two more films in this series, all of them quite good, and this one the very best of the bunch. You can buy it by clicking here or rent it online by clicking here. And for a four minute peek, check out the trailer below.
Harris III is a Christian illusionist who thinks half the
fun in doing magic is being up front that he’s tricking us – he’s an honest trickster. And he’s also a
generous one: in this DVD he gives away the secret behind five of his
Two card tricks
A gravity-defying bit that has a ring travel up an elastic band
A mind reading display
And one where dollar bills mysteriously flip themselves over
Each one is simple enough for a ten-year-old
to perform but mystifying enough to trick a close-watching 40-something year
old (who isn’t above making use of the rewind and slow motion features on his
DVD player).
So first we get to see the trick,
and then he goes through how to do it step by step, including tips on getting
your patter right – the way a magician talks is as important as what he does
with his hands. To perform them, all that’s needed are a few common enough
items: a deck of cards, a few dollar bills, a box of crayons, and an elastic
band. Oh, and a bottle of rubber glue. Then it’s all about practice – lots of practice!
This could make a fun gift for any
outgoing child who likes to perform, or maybe a kid who likes to think through
and figure out puzzles. You can find it at Harrisiii.com.
Blue is about an alternative – a Christian alternative – to the Green movement. Whereas the secular environmental movement too often sees man as a problem for the Earth, the Blue movement would start with the biblical understanding that Man is the pinnacle of God’s creation, and has been entrusted with the stewardship of the Earth. While the Green movement wants us to just leave things alone, the Blue movement knows that God has told us to take an active role in protecting and developing the Earth.
The strength of the film is King’s unabashedly one-sided, presentation: 100% of the film is spent talking to like-minded Christians, politicians and scientists, including some pretty big names like E. Calvin Beisner, Lord Christopher Monckton and Vishal Mangal Wadi (if you aren’t familiar with these names, please google them – they all have a lot of worthwhile things to say about the environment and the Green movement). And because this is the side we hear so little about from the mainstream media, this film can serve as a good counter-balance.
But the weakness of the film is this same one-sided presentation. I doubt that someone watching this who was already sympathetic to the Green movement would watch this any change their mind. I think it would be more likely that they would think King’s uninterrupted bashing of the Green movement must be unfair, and couldn’t possibly be a fair representation of them. Now the environmental movement is actually as bad as King portrays but because he never lets the Greens speak for themselves, it is understandable that a skeptical listener wouldn’t just take King’s word for it.
The presentation is good, and as documentaries go, it is quite entertaining. That’s another way of saying, if you like documentaries, you’ll like this one, but if you don’t like documentaries, this one isn’t likely to make you change your mind. Overall I’d say it is a great one for Christians, to help us better understand the difference between biblical stewardship and the environmentalist approach, but it probably isn’t a good one to give to your environmentalist friends.
You can buy it at Amazon.com by clicking here. Or you can, at least for now, watch the whole movie for free online. Check it out below.